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The big news in the past week or so was the Evernote hack, being a user of Evernote I was interested by this one – it seems to be a pretty pervasive hack with user IDs and e-mail addresses being leaked.
Thankfully the passwords are salted hashes, so it’s unlikely they’ll get brute forced any time soon. As a precaution, Evernote forced a password reset on its entire userbase.
Evernote has joined the growing list of companies whose cloud-based services have suffered a serious security breach, announcing over the weekend that it had implemented a service-wide password reset after attackers accessed user information.
Happily, the company’s announcement notes, the passwords accessed were salted hashes, which should mean they last longer than the passwords lifted from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation recently.
The user information accessed by the attackers also included user Ids and e-mail addresses.
Evernote joins the ranks of numerous other large companies which have been hacked recently.

I’m wondering if there’s some serious service based 0-day exploit out there people are leveraging (Apache? nginx? MySQL?) or something else perhaps.
All Evernote users were required to reset their passwords in case the attackers are able to recover passwords from the salted hashed list. The password reset will apply not only to Evernote logins, but to all apps that users have given access to their Evernote accounts.
Other major names to be hit in recent attacks include Apple, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft, with a Java zero-day behind most of the vulnerabilities.
The company says the attack “appears to have been a coordinated attempt to access secure areas of the Evernote Service”.
The usual suggestion, that users choose strong passwords that they don’t re-use, will no doubt be ignored by a small-but-significant number of Evernote’s customers.
Evernote suggests that no user data was leaked, which is good as people tend to store pretty important information in the app (Bank account details, passport scans etc). There is a chance that they got caught out by the Java bug too – but that seems unlikely.
I wonder which is the next big powerhouse that’s going to go down to a hack attack, I’m hoping by now everyone in the cloud has sane architecture and strong password storage implementations.
Source: The Register

XMPPloit is a command-line tool to attack XMPP connections, allowing the attacker to place a gateway between the client and the server and perform different attacks on the client stream.
The tool exploit implements vulnerabilities at the client & server side utilizing the XMPP protocol.
The main goal is that all the process is transparently for the user and never replace any certificate (like HTTPS attacks).
  • Downgrade the authentication mechanism (can obtain the user credentials)
  • Force the client not to use an encrypted communication
  • Set filters for traffic manipulation
Filters that have been implemented in this version for Google Talk are:
  • Read all the the user’s account mails
  • Read and modify all the user’s account contacts (being or not in the roster).
You can download XMPPloit here:

ARPwner is a tool to do ARP poisoning and DNS poisoning attacks, with a simple GUI and a plugin system to do filtering of the information gathered, also has a implementation of sslstrip and is coded 100% in python and on Github, so you can modify according to your needs.

This tool was released by Nicolas Trippar at BlackHat USA 2012.
For the tool to work you need pypcap, so assuming are using a Debian derivative OS (like all sane people do) – you’ll need to do this first:

apt-get install python-pypcap

Download ARPwner Here: